Change Facilitation

Is Your Overwork Making You Sick? (PC042)

April 19, 2018 0

This session is a great example of how to work the Twelve Steps on an issue. Here I work with a woman that is compromising her own health to help others. Is your overwork hurting you? This session, will give you a flavor for how the 12 step programs work. Many people in 12 step programs actually don’t use the steps or don’t know how to use the steps. This session will give those people a taste of how to leverage the steps to their advantage. […]


Have You Bought Into Scarcity? (PC041)

April 9, 2018 0

Are you able to make ends meet? Do you like your work, but don’t get paid enough? What keeps you stuck in low paying positions or earning below your potential. This Change Anything Now Session shows how one woman is able to get rid of a belief that has kept her stuck for decades. What else if possible for you? […]


Effortless Boundaries with Subconscious Change (PC040)

April 6, 2018 0

Today’s episode is a Change Anything Now facilitation session with a woman that is working to organize alternative medicine healers in my county. Being a leader can lead to power struggles with other people and situations that are uncomfortable. Many times when things are not smooth or we are noticing the same types of situations arising in our lives, these situations are being created by our unconscious mind. Here we were able to clear uncover the source of this woman’s discomfort and clear it instantly. […]

Open Topic

Seven Day Retreat (PC038)

March 22, 2018 0

Two weeks ago, I went into a silent retreat for a week.  It was unplanned and very spontaneous.  In fact, just before deciding to go into retreat I solidified an idea for next actions with […]

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