Get Rid of the “I Am Not Good Enough Belief” Permanently (PC011)

Welcome to Friends and Family Friday.  Today I have a special program for you.  I have a gentleman that is attempting to get back into the dating world and just hating it.  The whole online process is unpleasant for him and he is feeling insecurities arising.  You get to hear first hand how we used change facilitation to free him of the sense of never being enough and allow him to move past the belief that Love is Pain.  If you want to learn more about the change facilitation process listen to episode 5 or watch the short video on my YouTube Channel.  I’ll leave a link in the notes.

Here we go.

***Change Facilitation Session Recording***

Here we were able to remove the belief “I am not enough” in only a short amount of time.  This is a testament to his change capacity and the work he has already done on himself.  This is not unusual.  Sometimes changing a belief does take longer.  I once spent a couple months trying to get rid of the belief, “success leads to death”  it was covered in layers of stuff.  I got it cleared though.

We retested the belief that Love is Pain and got a clear “No”.  He also cleared the belief “I am an outsider”  We continued the session with a focus on his career and success and you can hear more next week on Money Monday.  If anything you hear during these sessions resonates with you and you would like to benefit from the change facilitation, just say “yes”  when I ask permission to remove a belief.  You will be included in the process then.  If you are stuck and would like help feel free to contact me for your own facilitation session  Sessions to air on the show are done for free.  How does it get better than that?  You can get free of limiting subconscious blocks.  All you need to do is choose it.



Cheery Monday by  Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Voice Intro:
Dylan McClosky

Podcast:  Copyright 2017 Dorena Rode – All rights reserved

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