What to Put Down (PC046)
What to pick up and what to put down – A simple way to get to your goals easily. Dorena talks about her process of letting go of activities that stand in her way of being in the present moment at all times. […]
What to pick up and what to put down – A simple way to get to your goals easily. Dorena talks about her process of letting go of activities that stand in her way of being in the present moment at all times. […]
Are you able to make ends meet? Do you like your work, but don’t get paid enough? What keeps you stuck in low paying positions or earning below your potential. This Change Anything Now Session shows how one woman is able to get rid of a belief that has kept her stuck for decades. What else if possible for you? […]
Today we are going to do some follow up calls on people that had sessions aired on this podcast. Did the amazing change they experienced in the session stick? Did they like the results? What was the best part of their experience? Find out today… […]
Are you uncomfortable selling yourself? Do you have a hard time offering your services to people that might be interested in your work? Many people struggle with these same issues, because they have subconscious blocks that limit them. You don’t have to stay limited and stuck. Here is a session with someone that clears her belief that selling yourself is hard. […]
Dr. Dorena Rode is a survivor of childhood ritual sexual abuse, sexual harassment in the workplace and domestic violence. In her work with survivors of abuse she has identified ingrained thought patterns that make women vulnerable to sexual predators. Changing what women wear or how they act will not prevent sexual abuse if they have subconscious beliefs that make it possible.
“The criminals that perpetuate sexual harassment are 100% responsible for their actions. My focus is on I am encouraging women to look within to find the subconscious blocks that limit their ability to be empowered at all times.”
Copyright 2017 Dorena Rode