Remove Your Blocks to Success (PC012)
Sometimes when we think we are stuck it is not a sign that we are lazy or a procrastinator, it could be a sign that we are on the wrong track or that something better or more appropriate is available for us. So if you find your business or career is not thriving like you want it too, ask, “Is there something better available to me?” If you bomb that interview and are down on yourself, ask, “What is this creating that is beyond what I’ve imagined? What if this was a good thing?” When you are feeling stuck and heavy ask yourself questions that expand you and your thinking. Try some of these:
What is beyond this?
What is the gift in this?
Is this the time for this?
What can I choose today that will create the most for me and my business or career?
What is right about this?
Is there something I am choosing that is blocking this other thing I want from happening? […]